What Would Happen If I Had Sex 4 Weeks After Giving Birth?

Couple in Lying on Bed

Most health care providers recommend that you wait to have intercourse involving penetration until your six-week postpartum checkup, regardless of whether you gave birth vaginally or by C-section. This is because a lot of new mothers experience painful sex due to hormone changes.

However, every woman and couple is different. Your body will heal differently.

You’re Physically Ready

If your health care provider gives you the all-clear, it may be time to have sex four weeks after giving birth. The timing will vary depending on what type of birth you had. However, most women should not get down to business until after their six-week postpartum checkup. This visit will likely include a pelvic exam to make sure the uterus is back to its normal size and the cervix has closed. This is especially important for women who had C-sections.

Even if you are physically ready for sex, it’s normal to have a low libido after childbirth. In addition to having a sore, tired body, you may be breastfeeding and have hormone shifts that contribute to feelings of disinterest. You also may not be able to comfortably handle the physical touch that comes with sex. It’s often recommended that you use a personal lubricant to help with comfort and pleasure.

In many cases, people experience lochia (healing bleeding) after delivery, which can last for several weeks. It’s important not to have sex if you’re bleeding, as this can lead to complications such as an infection. It’s also not a good idea to have sex while you’re still dilated, as this can put your baby at risk of being born via C-section. However, some people find that sex after pregnancy is more enjoyable than they expected, especially with a little practice and open communication.

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You’re Emotionally Ready

The hormone changes of pregnancy can make women feel a range of emotions, including anxiety about their bodies. This could mean that sex feels painful, or they don’t feel sexually aroused, even if their partners are. It might be helpful for women to use a personal lubricant, available from pharmacies, and to try and be sexually aroused before engaging in sex.

It’s also important to remember that being a new mother is a huge adjustment for everyone involved. You may be juggling the demands of breastfeeding and caring for a new baby, which can mean that sex is the last thing on your mind. It’s completely normal, and you shouldn’t feel guilty about it.

If you had a caesarean section, it’s important to wait until the area has healed before you attempt sex, as bacterial infections can develop. It’s also not good to move too quickly, as this can lead to blood clots.

It’s recommended to wait at least six weeks for sex after giving birth, no matter what type of delivery you had. If you’re physically ready, it’s a good idea to take things slowly and talk to your partner about how you both feel. It might help to start with oral or mutual masturbation, which can be a great way to explore your sensual side without feeling the pressure to engage in sex.

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You’re Waiting for the Right Time

Some people may not have a strong sex drive after giving birth, and that’s fine. It can take time for hormones to rebalance, and many women are tired after the sleep deprivation of new motherhood. But with patience and time, libido does return for most women.

A common guideline is to wait six weeks after birth to have sex, which allows your body to recover and reduces the risk of complications. But this timeline is a minimum and should be considered alongside your physical and emotional recovery.

Even if you have the green light from your healthcare provider, you should never force yourself to be intimate if you are not feeling it. It’s okay to take it slow and try different kinds of intimacy until you are ready for a physical connection again.

If you had a C-section, it is important to remember that the incision site will likely still be tender and healing. Your doctor will probably recommend that you abstain from sex for at least six weeks after your C-section delivery, but you can also choose to wait longer.

Regardless of whether you had vaginal or cesarean delivery, most women experience some lochia (healing bleeding) for up to six weeks after childbirth. This may make sex painful and could cause orgasms that irritate the uterus, leading to some light bleeding. Until your lochia is gone, you should always use a barrier method of contraception when having sex.

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You’re Not Ready

Some women may feel like they’re not ready at all to have sex after giving birth. This can be due to a range of factors, including changes in hormones and the fatigue of new parenthood. It can also be difficult to maintain intimacy with a partner when you’re breastfeeding and caring for your newborn around the clock.

Even if you’re physically ready, it’s generally not a good idea to rush into sex until at least six weeks postpartum. This is the average amount of time it takes for your uterus to return to its normal size and your cervix to close, especially if you had a C-section. It can be dangerous to have sex too soon because bacteria from the vagina could travel directly into your uterus and cause an infection.

In addition, many women who have a C-section find that they’re still dilated at the end of their delivery, and sex can irritate the cervix, leading to bleeding. If you’re not sure whether or when you’re ready, talk to your caregiver and take it slowly. If your libido is low, try other forms of intimate affection until you feel ready to resume sexual activity. For example, you can massage each other or enjoy non-sexual intimacy with a pillow talk.

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