No Sex Drive After Baby
It’s common for women to feel low libido after baby. This is due to multiple factors including hormones, exhaustion, and the changes that come with parenthood. For example, the hormone prolactin is a double-whammy: It prepares your body for breastfeeding, but it also suppresses libido. There are many reasons why sex may not be your […]
How to Have Sex After a 2nd Degree Tear
Many women who deliver vaginally experience second degree perineal tears. These are deeper than first degree tears, and involve both the skin and muscles. Stitches are required to close these types of tears. Women with a second degree tear need to wait until their stitches are healed before engaging in sex. They should also take […]
Can Sex Change Period Cycles?
The short answer to this is no – unless you get an STI (such as chlamydia or trichomoniasis). Sexual arousal and orgasm may cause chemical changes, but they can’t change or disrupt the entire menstrual cycle. Some variation in cycle length and phase is totally normal, though. Here’s why and how sex might affect your […]
Lower Abdominal Pain During Sexually Active Male Activity
Pain during sex is sometimes the sign of an underlying medical issue. If you have lower abdominal pain that is sharp and improves with lubrication, it’s worth seeing your doctor. Unprotected sex can spread sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Chlamydia and Gonorrhea are two of the most common causes of pelvic pain after sex. Fibroids and […]
Why Are My Muscles Sore After Sexually Active?
Pain during sex is common and should never be ignored. If your soreness is a frequent occurrence, it may be time to speak with your doctor. The pain you feel around the vulva could be caused by lubrication issues, a yeast infection or even STIs. But you could also be suffering from conditions like vulvodynia […]
The Effects of Lack of Sex in Marriage
Many factors can contribute to lack of sex in marriage. Medical conditions like diabetes and cancer, and even aging, can impact sexual desire. Unresolved sexual trauma can also negatively affect a spouse’s desire for intimacy. Often, couples can work through these issues with sex therapy. But some situations are more serious and require professional help. […]
Can Your Water Break During Sex?
The most common reason for a woman’s water to break is labor. However, it can also happen before that point if there are preterm complications. Some women experience a sudden gush of water, while others notice a trickle that may be clear or tinged with blood or meconium. This is called premature rupture of membranes […]
Can Lack of Sex Cause Weight Gain?
Sex has many health benefits, including reducing stress levels, improving heart health and promoting better sleep. It can also burn calories depending on the duration and intensity of the session. However, can lack of sex cause weight gain? Read on to find out. The answer might surprise you! But first, let’s look at some factors […]
Does Breastfeeding Affect Your Sex Drive?
It’s perfectly normal (and amazing!) that breastfeeding can have a major impact on your hormones, mood, and energy levels. But does it affect your sex drive? Right after baby is born, your prolactin and oxytocin levels rise. Unfortunately, this also suppresses ovulation and lowers estrogen and progesterone, which can lead to vaginal dryness, a lack […]
Can You Get STI Without Having Sex?
If you have an STI, it’s important to get treated right away. If you don’t, your infection could cause serious health problems. It’s also important to let your sexual partners know about the diagnosis, even if it’s embarrassing. They may need to get tested and treated too. This is especially true for STIs that spread […]
Pain After Sex After A Hysterectomy
A hysterectomy is a major surgery that removes the uterus and, sometimes, the ovaries and fallopian tubes. Pain during sexual intercourse after a hysterectomy is common and can be frustrating for both partners. Open communication, reassurance, and patience are essential to a healthy recovery from this type of surgery. Resuming penetrative sex should only take […]
Is Too Much Sex Bad For a Woman?
Sexual urges are natural, and frequent sex can be part of a healthy relationship. However, there is such a thing as too much sex. The limit on sexual frequency varies from person to person. If you’re experiencing any negative side effects, it may be time to cut back. One of the most common signs is […]
Can I Have Sex While Using Monistat?
Monistat is a popular over-the-counter antifungal treatment that can help treat yeast infections. However, it’s important to understand how Monistat can affect your sexual health before you use it. Sexual intercourse can aggravate vaginal irritation caused by Monistat and increase your risk of infection – This section has been constructed by the website’s experts […]
Is Kissing a Sexual Act?
Kissing is a form of physical affection that is practiced in most cultures worldwide. It can have many functions in a relationship, including assessing genetic quality and elevating arousal. Kissing also triggers a flood of happy hormones such as oxytocin, which helps couples bond and become monogamous. In addition, it can be used as foreplay […]
Peeing a Lot After Sex Can Help Prevent UTIs
Many of us have heard the advice that it’s important to pee after sex. This can help to prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs) which are caused by bacteria that enter the urethra during sexual activity. This can happen during vaginal or anal sex. But does it really work? We decided to take a closer look. […]
How Long Does Cranberry Juice Work Sexually?
Cranberries are known to have antibacterial properties that help clean the urinary tract and kidneys. This is a great thing for women because repeated UTIs can lead to chronic kidney disease, which decreases fertility and sexual health. But it’s not as well-known that cranberry juice also improves the taste of vaginal fluids. This can make […]
Can You Have Sex Before a Pap Smear?
Having sex within 48 hours of a pap smear can skew the results. This is because sex and vaginal creams can wash away cells from the cervix, Glamour reports. Women should also avoid using lubricants or vaginal creams, sex toys, and douches two days before their exam. These can also irritate the vagina and mask […]
Sex After Levonorgestrel IUD Placement
It’s unlikely that sex will dislodge your IUD, but if you or your partner feel the strings of your levonorgestrel intrauterine device during sexual activity, talk to your doctor. It could mean that it moved or wasn’t inserted correctly. Also contact your doctor if you have severe abdominal pain or cramping, heavy bleeding, a fever […]
What Causes Pain During Sex Before Period?
Pain during sex before your period isn’t normal and should be addressed by a doctor. It may be caused by one of the following conditions: Pain in the pelvic area that occurs right before and during your period may be due to a low level of estrogen. A prescription tablet, cream or flexible ring can […]