Is it Safe to Use a Vibrator When Pregnant?

Pregnant Woman Wearing White Skirt Holding Her Tummy

Many women find that their desire for pleasure changes or fluctuates during pregnancy. This is especially true in the second trimester, when morning sickness (hopefully) disappears and your lubrication is improved by increased blood flow.

Masturbation is safe during pregnancy, and can be a great way to satisfy your urges and give yourself incredibly powerful orgasms. However, some positions may not be suitable for this purpose during pregnancy.

It’s safe

If you’re experiencing a healthy, low-risk pregnancy, it’s fine to use a vibrator. However, if you have certain complications like placenta previa or cervical incompetence, it’s best to avoid it.

Vibrators are sex toys that can be used alone or with a partner to stimulate sensitive areas like the vagina, clitoris, nipples, anus, and penis, to help you achieve orgasm. They’re popular with women who are seeking non-invasive ways to satisfy their pleasure needs during pregnancy.

Many people find that their libido drops or fluctuates during pregnancy. This is understandable as the hormones that regulate the womb are constantly changing. However, the good news is that masturbation can actually help you cope with these changes and increase your sex drive during the rest of the pregnancy.

Using a vibrator during pregnancy is safe provided that you keep it clean. Make sure to thoroughly wash the handles and buttons with soapy water after every use and wipe the sex toy clean with a lubricant. It’s also a good idea to wear a condom when you use a penetrating vibrator to prevent infection. Infections caused by sex toys that penetrate the vulva can lead to miscarriage and other serious complications. This is why it’s important to get the OK from your doctor before you start using a vibrator while pregnant.

See also:  How to Use a Vibrator Safely

It’s not safe

There are some pregnancy complications, such as cervical incompetence or a short cervix, where it’s best not to use a vibrator. These conditions can cause your cervix to open and could cause bacteria to enter and cause an infection. That type of infection can lead to premature delivery or serious complications for you and the baby (1, 2).

Generally speaking, for most women with healthy low-risk pregnancies, vibrators are safe to use, especially in the second trimester. However, some doctors may advise against it or recommend avoiding the pelvic area altogether as you move into the third trimester because of increased risk for bleeding and the increased likelihood of infection (3, 4).

For example, foreplay and gentle orgasms can be just fine during pregnancy, but if you are having a lot of pain or leaking fluid, it’s best to stop using it and see your doctor. It’s also best to avoid penetrative sex, as this can increase the risk of miscarriage (5, 6).

Another thing that’s important to note is that your libido is likely to fluctuate throughout your pregnancy. That’s why it’s so essential to listen to your body and use the vibrator only when you feel up for it. Also, it’s a good idea to clean your toys between uses to help prevent any infections (7, 8). This is a good rule of thumb during any sex activity, but particularly with vibrators.

See also:  How to Cum With a Vibrator

It’s not advisable

When a woman is experiencing pregnancy complications, or is at high risk for them, doctors do not recommend using a vibrator. For example, if the placenta detaches from the walls of the uterus and covers the mother’s cervix (this is known as placenta accreta), or if she experiences a ruptured membrane, it can cause bleeding and increase the risk for miscarriage. Using a vibrator during these conditions could also introduce bacteria to the cervix, leading to a serious infection that can lead to premature delivery and other complications.

If you have a healthy low-risk pregnancy, however, it is safe to use a vibrator. In fact, it can help you to feel more comfortable throughout your pregnancy. It can also help you connect with your partner during sex and masturbation.

However, it is important to note that some women may experience some discomfort when they are using a vibrator during pregnancy. This is mainly due to the fact that their uterus is expanding and changing shape.

Additionally, it is common for a woman to experience some bleeding when she is using a vibrator during pregnancy. This typically happens because of the increased blood flow in the cervix. It is normal and nothing to worry about. However, if the bleeding is excessive or does not stop after an hour, it’s best to consult with your doctor.

See also:  Best Vibrators For Virgins

It’s OK

Using a vibrator is safe for most people with a low-risk pregnancy. In fact, sexual activity is good for the health of pregnant women as it helps to reduce stress and increase blood flow to the uterus and fetus. But it’s important to check with your doctor and get a full understanding of your unique pregnancy.

The doctor might advise against using a vibrator in cases of a short cervix or placenta previa. The latter is a condition in which the low lying placenta covers all or part of the opening of the cervix. In this case, if something is inserted into the vagina (including a vibrator), it can cause bleeding, premature delivery and even a miscarriage.

It’s also advisable to avoid any clitoral toys during pregnancy that might insert inside of the uterus as it could irritate ultra-sensitive vaginal tissue. It’s best to stick with manual masturbation and other sex toys that aren’t inserted. It’s also important to always make sure your vibrator and other sex toys are clean. This is true in any circumstance but it’s especially crucial during pregnancy because of an increased risk of infections.

Avoid sharing sex toys as well since viruses, bacteria and parasites that are commonly found in unprotected sexual activities can be transferred to the fetus. You should also avoid using lubricants or oils that might contain harsh chemicals that may cause an infection. Instead, look for products that are labeled as body-safe or phthalate free.

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